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Celebrating 25 Years with Knelson
Peacocke, Simpson and Associates this year proudly marks its 25th year as agents for FLSmidth Knelson (formerly Knelson Concentrators) of Langley, Canada. The association began way back in 1988 when Kevin Peacocke met Byron Knelson at a trade conference in Val d'Or in Canada to explore synergies. The tie up was immediate and within a few years the benefits of the then unconventional Knelson gravity technology were being applied back in Zimbabwe with great success. In fact, by 1995 Zimbabwe recorded the highest density of Knelson concentrators per gold output of any country. The success story has continued to this day with Knelsons being used across the board from the smallest to the largest mines in the industry, including the Knelson CVD bulk concentrator.
PS&A, founded in 1985, prides itself as a high quality source for dependable mineral recovery test work. The principals, Kevin Peacocke and Peter Simpson are professional engineers with over 60 years of combined experience, from testing, through process development to plant design and installation. Their client base includes most of the major mining houses all over the globe and covers virtually every facet of the industry, including precious metals, industrial minerals, base metals and environmental cleanup. The emphasis has been and will always be dominated by an innovative approach to finding better, more economical, cleaner solutions. Peter Simpson and Kevin Peacocke have applied this formula to successfully assist the spread of Knelson concentrators throughout Africa and beyond.
The association with FLSmidth Knelson has proved to be of immense value to both companies, but more importantly we hope to the whole industry. For 10 years now Kevin and Peter have sat on the Knelson technical board, so their influence extends well beyond Africa.
Amazingly, two companies virtually poles apart geographically have demonstrated that distance is no barrier to cooperation and success. We jointly look forward to bringing new and exciting developments to the industry in the years to come.